Don’t Neglect Your Physical Fitness in the Winter Months Uncategorized

California is experiencing an unseasonably warm winter season, making it possible for many people to continue their outdoor exercise routines during the colder months.  Staying fit is important for both physical and mental health—the brain releases “feel good” chemicals when you exercise, called endorphins, which reduce sensations of pain and …

Covered California Receives Additional $155 Million to Improve Service and Enrollment Uncategorized

California’s health insurance exchange, Covered California, recently received $155 million in federal grant money to help boost enrollment, especially among uninsured Latinos, the key market of the exchange.  This is in addition to the $910 million the state has already received in federal grant money to establish its healthcare exchange. …

What Are the Obamacare Metal Plans? Uncategorized

To ensure that all Americans have access to a health insurance plan that suits their needs and budget, Congress developed a tiered system of health plans under the Affordable Care Act (frequently referred to as “Obamacare”), which vary both in price and coverage.  The plans are available through the healthcare …

More than Half a Million People Enrolled in Covered California Uncategorized

By the end of 2013 more than 500,000 Californians had enrolled in health insurance plans through Covered California™, the state’s health insurance exchange, formed in response to the healthcare mandate of the Affordable Act.  Enrollment increased significantly during the first two weeks of January 2014, bringing total enrollment totals to …