California Medicare Uncategorized

California Medicare Benefit Packages

If you live in California and are eligible for Medicare cover (this requires that you are either over the age of sixty-five or are currently disabled), you can obtain flexible cover via a Medicare Advantage plan. Medicare Parts A and B provide basic cover for physician visits and hospital expenses, but a Medicare Advantage plan (which was previously referred to as Medicare Part C) enables you to obtain your Medicare benefits through a private insurance provider, and enables you to restructure your benefits according to your needs.

How can a California Medicare Alternative work for you?

Most insurance plans offer set cover for different medical expenses, and it often works out that members end up paying money for services they are unlikely to require. On a California Medicare Advantage plan, you can choose a plan which reduces cover in one area (for example, cover for a nursing facility), in order to enjoy more extensive cover in another. As an example, you could choose a plan offering lower cover for nursing care but lower co-payments for doctor visits.