Tonik Health Insurance Uncategorized

Tonik Health Insurance for Younger Californians

Many younger Californians are insufficiently insured, since those who are still students yet are supporting themselves or those who have been employed only recently often do not think of health insurance until it is too late to benefit from its cover. Tonik health insurance plans from Blue Cross were created for those between the ages of nineteen and twenty-nine, and include extensive benefits at premiums starting at only $60 to $70 per month.

Tonik Health Insurance Options

There are three basic Tonik health insurance options, ‘The Thrill Seeker’, ‘The Part Time Daredevil’ and ‘The Calculated Risk-Taker’. These ascend in premiums, and offer increased benefits (and lower deductibles) accordingly. Even the premium option, the Risk Taker, has premiums of less than $100 per month, and for this you receive extensive benefits, including cover for most lab work incurred through doctor visits. A full breakdown of Tonik features can be read on your insurance broker’s website.