The Differences Between Medicare and Medicaid Uncategorized

What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid? These two terms sound very similar, but they have completely different functions. However, both of them are designed to help people stay healthy by providing healthcare benefits.

Medicare is a program run by the federal government for people over the age of 65, as well as for those who are permanently disabled. This program provides medical insurance options. This program is complex and has many different facets. It’s a good idea to research Medicare benefits before you turn 65, because once you do reach that age you will need to make many decisions in a short amount time. You can get the current Medicare handbook at any local Social Security office. Many people who have Medicare also end up buying supplemental insurance programs to cover prescription drugs and other out-of-pocket costs.

Medicaid, which is also referred to as Medi-Cal in California, is administered by the state but is jointly funded by the state and federal governments. This program has no age limits, and is designed for individuals and families with low income and who participate in cash assistance programs. Your county Social Services Department will be able to give you details on eligibility and what the plan covers. Generally, though, those that use Medicaid do not need supplemental insurance.

If you are approaching the eligibility age for Medicare, or are already in the program but are looking to change or supplement your insurance, contact the experts at Benefit Packages. We have a wide variety of supplemental California health insurance options available specifically for seniors. Plus, we can help you understand the different options available, so that you can find the right one.