Shop Our California Health Insurance Exchange to Find Affordable Coverage Uncategorized

You need to be prepared for the changes in healthcare which are going into effect on January 1st, 2014. Now is the time to start to shop your options for the new plans by reviewing these through our California health insurance exchange. We have provided details about how the Affordable Care Act will impact you and what to expect. Further, we have outlined just how affordable coverage is going to be, even if you do not currently have insurance. Just remember, come January 1st, every United States citizen needs to have an insurance plan in place.

Our California health benefit exchange was designed to provide assistance to families, individuals, and small business owners to help them gain access to comprehensive and affordable benefit plans. This program helps people who do not currently receive coverage through an employer-sponsored plan, whose employer-sponsored plan costs more than 9.5 percent of their income, or whose employer-sponsored plan does not include the 10 Essential Health Benefits. Further, the program allows small business owners to take advantage of combining their employer-sponsored plans with other small businesses, to take advantage of substantial group discounts to keep the costs of health coverage lower.

Here at Coverage California, we are an exchange certified agency which works directly with carriers, both outside and inside the exchange program. We are able to help you shop for the best plan to suit your needs. Further, we can help you quickly compare costs from some of the state’s leading health insurance companies, including Anthem Blue Cross of California, Kaiser Permanente, Health Net, and Blue Shield of California, and we can help you select the best plan that includes all 10 Essential Health Benefits.