How Do I Get Covered in California for Insurance? Uncategorized

The first step when shopping for insurance is to make sure you are covered in California.  All of our insurance programs are designed to meet the new affordable health care act requirements and allow you to take advantage of the new tax credit laws.  Our policies will cover all of the medical events required under law, and will allow you and your family to have the insurance they need, without worrying about meeting the new government guidelines.

To ensure that you are covered in California before January 1, 2014, you must receive a quote and purchase the insurance with an effective date on or before this date.  This lets you avoid the penalties associated with not having the correct insurance, and lets you meet all of the new requirements under the affordable health care act.  If you own a business, you can request an insurance quote for your employees, without any initial investment.  You can also choose the level of coverage offered, and anything you do not cover can be purchased directly by your employees from our website.

The main consideration when choosing the correct health insurance plan is the monthly cost to your family.  This is why the tax credits can be used immediately.  This eliminates the problem of waiting until the end of the year to get your credits on your next tax refund.  We can help you calculate your credits, and they will be applied to your monthly premium automatically, with no extra work on your end of the transaction.