How the Affordable Care Act Affects Seniors Uncategorized

Many Americans have seen benefits under the Affordable Care Act. As the provisions of the law come into effect, seniors with Medicare will see many benefits take place. These include: Brand name prescriptions will be 50% cheaper if you are in the Medicare donut hole. This savings is automatic, and …

For Medicare Supplements, Look to Anthem Medicare Preferred PPO Uncategorized

Seniors that have Medicare may want to consider a Medicare supplement plan. A good plan to look at is the Anthem Medicare Preferred PPO Supplement plan. A PPO, or Preferred Provider Organization, gives you flexibility in your healthcare options. PPOs keep your premiums low, while also giving you many choices …

Do You Need a Medicare Supplement Plan? Uncategorized

Are you approaching 65? If so, there are a few steps you should take to make sure your Medicare coverage kicks in on your birthday. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that everyone apply for Medicare three months before their 65th birthday, to ensure that all the paperwork …