When you’ve been had health insurance through your employer or a group plan, you may not even have an idea how much California health insurance costs. After all, your share of your insurance premiums comes automatically out of your paycheck. You might not have noticed how much you pay. Plus, …
What Is the California Health Insurance Exchange?
The California Health Insurance Exchange has been set up to ensure affordable access to health insurance by all California residents. The goal of the exchange is to lower the cost of healthcare, increase the quality, reduce health disparities, and increase the number of insured Californians. This program came about as …
The Differences Between Medicare and Medicaid
What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid? These two terms sound very similar, but they have completely different functions. However, both of them are designed to help people stay healthy by providing healthcare benefits. Medicare is a program run by the federal government for people over the age of …
The California Health Insurance High Risk Pool
There are many different options for health insurance in California if you are not covered by an employer, not a member of the military, and don’t qualify for Medicare or Medicaid. But if you’ve been turned down for health insurance, you may still have options. California is one of 34 …
The Advantages of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO
There are many different types of personal health insurance plans available for those that are not covered by a group plan through their employer. One of the more popular types is a Preferred Provider Organization plan, also known as a PPO. PPOs can save you a lot of money. PPOs …
Some Facts About Medigap in California
Seniors that are covered under original Medicare may find that their out of pocket expenses are too high, and may be interested in purchasing a Medicare supplement health insurance. This supplement is also known as Medigap. Depending on the policy that you choose, Medigap may be able to pay for …
Shop for Insurance Day or Night
We are used to being able to do anything at all hours of the day or night on the Internet. In our 24 hour society, we can shop for groceries in our pajamas, stream movies over our lunch break, and video chat with a friend who is half a world …
Seek the Advice of An Expert on Individual California Health Insurance
Nearly 9 out of every 10 people get their health insurance through their employer, or through a government plan such as the military, Medicare, or Medicaid. There are only a few people that need to get individual health insurance policies on their own. That’s one of the reasons why it …
Lumenos HSA from Anthem Blue Cross
There are many different California health insurance plans that offer a health savings account (HSA) option. One that you may want to consider is Anthem Blue Cross and their Lumenos HSA plan. If you select Anthem Blue Cross s your health insurance provider, you have the option to set up …
Let an Independent Insurance Agent Help You Find the Right Policy
You may have heard that the Affordable Care Act of 2010 was supposed to provide more individual health insurance options. And if you are self-employed or own a small business, you are probably looking forward to that. However, many of the provisions in the act don’t take effect until 2014. …