California Medical Insurance Uncategorized

California Medical Insurance Plans – PPO versus HMO

There are many different health insurance plans available for Californians – some plans are PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans while others are HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plans. PPO plans enable members to use any health service providers within the insurance company’s network of practices and hospitals. HMO plans are less flexible, as a primary doctor must be chosen, but HMO plans have lower premiums and some even have no deductibles, so that you do not need to pay out a set amount before cover becomes available.

Other California Medical Insurance Options 

In addition to a traditional health insurance policy, you can look at opening a Health Savings or Health Incentive account, such as those provided by Lumenos. When you subscribe to a traditional healthcare policy, you are given set benefits in exchange for a monthly premium – with a health savings account, you deposit money directly into an account which is tax-free, and can use the funds contained to pay for your medical expenses. One of the advantages to a HSA is that you receive any unused funds should you retire or leave your company.