Anthem Medicare Uncategorized

Extend your Cover with Anthem Medicare Supplements

If you are enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B and find that there are certain medical services for which you have insufficient cover, you can easily extend your cover with an Anthem Medicare supplement plan. These plans are designed to bridge the gaps in standard Medicare offerings, and you can find a plan which simply provides a prescription drug benefit or another important type of cover.

Anthem Medicare Benefit Packages

In addition to supplementary plans from Anthem, Medicare members can enjoy further insurance freedom by changing to a Medicare Advantage plan. These allow members to choose a private insurance provider for their primary benefit package, instead of the standard package provided by Medicare. Since there are a number of different offerings from Anthem, it is possible to restructure your health insurance entirely so that emphasis is placed on services which you are most likely to require. For extensive information on supplements as well as Advantage, download a free electronic brochure.