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Earthquake Insurance

Don’t be caught without coverage! Scientist agree that "The Big One" will eventually hit California. 

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Earthquake Insurance

Don’t be caught without coverage! Scientist agree that "The Big One" will eventually hit California. 

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Earthquake Insurance

Don’t be caught without coverage! Scientist agree that "The Big One" will eventually hit California. 

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What you should know

The last Big One was in 1857 and they come every 150 years, meaning a 7.8 magnitude or higher striking along the southern San Andreas fault. There’s a 72 percent chance of a major Bay Area quake by 2043

How we can help

We consult with you to make sure your Earthquake Insurance coverage doesn't leave you and your family exposed.

Which plan is right for you?

Medicare Market

We will look at your budget to help determine if you should consider a Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Supplement.

For both Medicare Plans and Under 65 Plans we will check to see if your doctors are participating providers and whether your prescriptions are included within the formulary of a particular carrier.

Open Enrollment
October 15th - December 7th

Employer Market

We will work with you and your staff to determine the best healthcare approach for your company. By looking at the doctors of your employees, we will see if we can offer an HMO or a Skinner PPO network. This allows for more benefits for less money. We can offer different PPO networks within your healthcare options. Let us provide your staff with worksheets to see what their payroll deductions will be based on with their choices.  we will work with you and your staff to determine the best health care approach. Let us help you and your Human Resources department.  Our company will serve as an extension of your Human Resources department by adding valued services to your company.


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