How Are Health Insurance Plans Different Under the New Healthcare Law? Uncategorized

The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) prompted many changes to our nation’s healthcare system, but how are plans offered through the healthcare marketplace established by the ACA different from plans outside the marketplace?  Below, your trusted California health insurance agent highlights the main differences. Health insurance plans purchased …

Affordable Health Insurance Coverage is Available to All California Residents Uncategorized

After January 1st, 2014, all California residents are going to be required to have health insurance coverage, either through an employer-sponsored program, or an individual plan. Eligible plans also include COBRA, any plan that is part of your retirement, and public assistance programs like Medicaid and Medicare. There are many …

Use the California Health Insurance Coverage Exchange to Learn More about the New Plans Uncategorized

The Affordable Health Care Act takes effect on January 1st, 2014. Under this Act, most people are required to have health insurance coverage, either through plans obtained on their own, or one sponsored by their employee. Employer-sponsored plans should be updated to ensure they cover the 10 Essential Health Benefits, …