It is important to make sure you are properly covered by your health insurance plan once the new reforms take effect on January 1st, 2014. Currently, you have access to many resources to explore your options and available plans, like visiting our online site, here at Coverage California. Our detailed …
Is My California Small Business Eligible for Group Health Insurance?
Employers with very few employees sometimes make the mistake of assuming that they don’t qualify for small group health insurance—an incorrect assumption, in most cases. Federal law mandates that small business owners with 2 to 50 full-time employees are guaranteed group coverage should they choose to purchase it, regardless of …
How Are Health Insurance Plans Different Under the New Healthcare Law?
The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) prompted many changes to our nation’s healthcare system, but how are plans offered through the healthcare marketplace established by the ACA different from plans outside the marketplace? Below, your trusted California health insurance agent highlights the main differences. Health insurance plans purchased …
Free Preventive Care vs. Diagnostic Care under the New Heath Care Law
Reports are surfacing of patients who went to their doctor for a checkup and later received a bill for services they thought were free, based on the new healthcare law. The confusion stems from the fact that while plans purchased through the healthcare marketplace are required to cover certain preventive …
Affordable Health Insurance Coverage is Available to All California Residents
After January 1st, 2014, all California residents are going to be required to have health insurance coverage, either through an employer-sponsored program, or an individual plan. Eligible plans also include COBRA, any plan that is part of your retirement, and public assistance programs like Medicaid and Medicare. There are many …
Workplace Wellness Programs Help Keep Health Insurance Costs Down
Non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and lung disease account for 7 of every 10 deaths in the U.S., according to the U.S. State Department. These are often called “lifestyle diseases” because, to some extent, they can be prevented by lifestyle behaviors and changes. One thing is certain—America has become …
The Affordable Health Care Act Makes It Possible for Everyone to Have Access to Insurance Coverage
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was designed to make health care coverage available for all individuals and families. Currently, there are a large number of people who do not have any health insurance, for various reasons. They might work for a small business owner who does not have an employer …
Technical Problems Keep SHOP Enrollment Numbers Low
In addition to the individual healthcare exchange, the Affordable Care Act established the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) specifically for small businesses with 50 or fewer employees. As with the individual health insurance exchange, an online portal was developed for SHOP through which the employees of eligible businesses can …
Use the California Health Insurance Coverage Exchange to Learn More about the New Plans
The Affordable Health Care Act takes effect on January 1st, 2014. Under this Act, most people are required to have health insurance coverage, either through plans obtained on their own, or one sponsored by their employee. Employer-sponsored plans should be updated to ensure they cover the 10 Essential Health Benefits, …
HRA vs HSA: What’s the Difference? (Part 2 of 2)
Unlike a Health Reimbursement Account, which is entirely funded by an employer, a Health Savings Account (HSA) can be funded by an individual, their employer, or a combination of the two, either through an employer-sponsored plan or an individual plan. HSAs allow individuals and their employers to set aside money …