California Insurance Exchange


California Insurance Exchange Introductions Relatively recently, California has become the first state to commence working on a health insurance exchange. These exchanges are intended to make it easier for potential insurance buyers to compare plans and find affordable rates. The health insurance exchange model was proposed as part of the …

California Medical Insurance


California Medical Insurance Options It is vital to have a comprehensive insurance plan, as a sudden injury or serious illness can result in large medical bills. There are a number of California medical insurance options which can provide a safety net. Standard health plans are available from a number of …

Anthem Blue Cross


Group Insurance from Anthem Blue Cross of California Many small businesses are hesitant to spring for comprehensive employee insurance, since plan enrollment rates required by providers can be high, as can premiums. Neither of these points are true for a group insurance plan offered by Anthem Blue Cross of California …

Blue Cross Medicare Supplement


What is a Blue Cross Medicare Supplement? Many people receive their primary health insurance through Medicare programs, yet these sometimes contain gaps in cover. A Blue Cross Medicare supplement is a plan designed to fill these gaps, and supplement plans provide Medicare beneficiaries with a simple way to add various …

Blue Cross Tonik


Obtain Blue Cross Tonik for Extra Perks If you are between the ages of nineteen and twenty-nine and are looking for affordable health insurance, Anthem Blue Cross of California offers a useful solution: The Blue Cross Tonik plans. There are three basic categories – The Calculated Risk-taker, The Part-time Daredevil, …

California Affordable Health Insurance


California Affordable Health Insurance for Small Businesses Many small businesses are hesitant to adopt group insurance plans as enrollment requirements can be strict and premiums can be expensive. There are affordable options for small businesses available, however, such as the BeneFits offering from Anthem Blue Cross of California. Affordable health …

California Insurance Exchange


California Insurance Exchange Introductions In light of the recent reforms to health care posed by the Obama administration, there are a number of changes to occur to how health insurance is structured throughout America. The goal of this restructuring is to introduce affordable medical cover for all. California was one …

California Individual Health Insurance


California Individual Health Insurance Options If you are looking for an affordable insurance policy for medical cover in California, individual health insurance options include traditional plans which feature deductibles and set monthly premiums, as well as Health Savings and Health Incentive Accounts. An HSA is a tax-free account which you …

Blue Cross Medicare


Blue Cross Medicare Benefits Many people receive some medical cover through the Medicare system, but standard Medicare benefits packages do not include prescription drug coverage and can be limited in other ways. Those who are enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B have the option of converting to a Medicare …

Anthem Blue Cross Medicare


Anthem Blue Cross Medicare Benefits If you are enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B and would like greater freedom in choosing how your benefits are structured, a Medicare Advantage plan might be right for you. These plans are available to those who are over 65 and receiving Medicare, and …