Although as a young single person you probably never worried about health insurance, but now that you have a family the time has come for you to start looking for an affordable California health insurance plan that will cover both you and your family. You are going to find that …
Are You Paying Too Much for Health Insurance in California?
When you get the bill for your monthly California health insurance premium, do you cringe before you open the envelope or do your simply sit down and take a deep breath? If this is the case, as it is for far too many people, you are paying far too much …
You Can Get the Best Rates for California Health Insurance Online
There was a time when the only way you could get a rate quote for California health insurance for you and your family was to either go to the insurance agency’s office or have them send an agent to your home. Due to time constraints this severely limited your ability …
Blue Cross of California Is Here to Protect Your Family When You Need It
The only reason you buy medical insurance for both you and your family is to make sure you have access to health care whenever you need it. This means that you need to find the very best coverage you can that is going to fit into your budget. While there …
Blue Shield of California Can Provide Health Care Insurance for Your Employees
As the owner of a small business, it can be easy to think that there is no way you can afford to offer health care insurance to your employees; no matter how much you want to be able to. Before you give up trying and tell them that they are …
Finding Anthem Blue Cross Insurance at a Price You Can Afford
As you look around at the different insurance carriers that are offering Anthem Blue Cross health care insurance, you are going to find that their prices can range from reasonable to outrageous for the same coverage. As you start looking for the best rates, you need to decide exactly what …
When You Need Options Secure Horizons Has Them
When you finally reach the age at which you plan to retire, there are many things that are going to change and that are going to require you to make some changes in your life. One of these is your healthcare coverage, while your employer may have provided you with …
Where to Look for Affordable Health Insurance in CA
If you have always had employer provided health care insurance and now find yourself in the position of having to buy your own health insurance in CA, you are going to have to spend a fair amount of time not only learning what the different types of health care insurance …
What is a Health Insurance Exchange?
To put it into legal terms that current health insurance exchange is an agency created by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act. The intent being to provide individuals and small employers with a means by which the can compare health care insurance policy costs, choose the one that best …
Lumenos Offers You Better Choices and Even More Options
While you and your family may be covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield health care insurance, you may get to the point where you need more choices that their standard policies simply do not cover. In light of this need, BC/BS have developed the Lumenos HAS an insurance plan designed …