A Brief History of Medicare

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Medicare is a life saver—quite literally—for millions of retired Americans. In place since 1965, Medicare guarantees healthcare insurance to Americans age 65 and older who have worked a minimum of 40 quarters (10 years)  as well as individuals with end stage renal disease and disabled individuals under age 65. Medicare …

Improvements to Medicare under the Affordable Care Act

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The passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2009 resulted in some improvements to Medicare coverage, including preventive care coverage and drug coverage.  Here are the changes in more detail: Drug Coverage– Beginning January 1, 2011, individuals who reach the gap of Part D prescription drug coverage automatically get a …

What is Blue Shield of California?

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Blue Shield of California is a non profit organization offering affordable health insurance and Medicare plans for individuals, families, seniors, and employers. In addition to medical coverage and Medicare supplement plans, Blue Shield also offers dental and vision plans to meet every customer’s needs in terms of pricing and quality …

Understanding HIPAA’s Privacy Rule

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The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), pronounced “Hip-Uh,” is a law that was introduced in 1996 to protect patient privacy as well as limit exclusions for pre-existing condition, provide patients with guaranteed renewal of health insurance policies, and require that patients be given the right to continue group …