New Health Care Wizard Designed to Help Business Owners Understand Obamacare Uncategorized

Business owners have a new resource for information about the upcoming health care changes and requirements under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as “Obamacare.”  A new website enables employers to enter their business’s information, including current health insurance information, company size and location, and receive information about changes …

Could Workplace Prevention Programs Help Tackle Obesity? Uncategorized

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have created a free informational program called LEAN Works to help employers implement workplace obesity prevention programs.  The program aids employers in planning, building and promoting a program and assessing the results after implementation. Such programs are as important as ever, today, as obesity …

Health Insurance Exchanges Explained Uncategorized

Understanding the upcoming changes to healthcare under the Affordable Care Act is important, especially considering that individuals will be required under the law to have insurance by January 1, 2014. Many states including California have set up health insurance exchanges, marketplaces where people can compare standardized, government-regulated plans.  Though businesses …