Can we all be happier?


I like to think so.  Mental health has come to the forefront after the recent suicide of “Part’s Unknown” host Anthony Bourdain.  Anthony’s passion and excitement for exotic people, places, and food was contagious. This was one of the few shows that my entire family enjoyed watching. Anthony seemed like …

2018 Open Enrollment for Individual & Family Health Insurance

2018 Open Enrollment for Individual & Family Health Insurance


Mark your calendars. Open enrollment begins on November 1 and runs through January 31. Despite all the bills to replace and/or repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care), you can still face a penalty for not having health insurance. The penalty for not having health insurance is set at $695 per adult …

5 Ways to Protect Your Skin This Summer

5 Ways to Protect Your Skin This Summer

BenefitPackages.comAdvice, Announcement

Summer is here and it is the perfect time to take advantage of the outdoors by engaging in fun activities with your loved ones. However, the sun and warmer temperatures also come at a price to our skin. According to between 40 and 50 percent of Americans who live …

Why Does a Chronic Special Needs Plan

Why does a Chronic Special Needs Plan give me more Medicare Coverage?


A Chronic Special needs plan or C-SNP is a plan that restricts enrollment to individuals with specific severe or disabling chronic conditions. Currently, CMS (center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) has approved fifteen C-SNP-specific chronic conditions that are eligible for enrollment. If I qualify, what would be the advantage of …

5 Heart Healthy Tips

5 Heart Healthy Tips

BenefitPackages.comAdvice, Lifestyle

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This month, the American Heart Association is bringing more awareness to this worrisome statistic by celebrating American Heart Health Month. Over 47% of Americans have at least one …

The More Money to See Your Doctor, the Less You’ll Go, Even if you Have a Chronic Condition Such as Diabetes or Heart Disease

BenefitPackages.comAdvice, Announcement, Lifestyle

According to the American Diabetes Association those with deductibles, both low ($1,000-$2,400) and high (greater than $1,000/$2,400) had a significant reduction in visits to both their Primary Care Doctors and Specialist- this decrease in service is especially pronounced for those with lower incomes. Those with chronic illness are the last …