If You’re Young and Healthy, Consider TONIK from Anthem Blue Cross

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If you’ve ever been tempted to go without health insurance because you’re young and healthy and don’t think you need it, think again. Even if you are healthy and never get sick, and come from a long line of people that never get sick, you need health insurance. All it takes is one unexpected illness or accident to ruin your finances. It’s not unusual for someone without insurance to have a minor medical emergency and end up with a hospital bill of over $100,000.

But if you’re young and healthy, you also don’t necessarily need to spend a fortune on health insurance. For those that are 19 to 29 years old, Anthem Blue Cross offers TONIK health insurance, a health plan with low premiums and a high deductible, which is designed to protect you from catastrophic medical bills in the event of an illness or serious injury. TONIK offers both vision and dental coverage, and has discounts for healthy habits. All preventive care is covered 100%, and after your deductible is met, 100% of covered expenses are paid.

Almost one third of all people age 19 to 29 don’t have health care coverage today. They are just one catastrophic medical bill away from financial ruin. Protect yourself and your health with Blue Cross TONIK. For more information about this and other California health insurance plans, contact Benefit Packages today.